Sunday, June 23, 2013

30 Day Sewing Challenge Day 18 of 30

Day 18

DIY / Pattern Review

O my, I'm in love with my goof up....

I laid the fabric out and placed  the cut out pattern pieces on the fabric and realized that the fabric needed to be folded the other way because of the chevron print was going the wrong direction. I told myself I would change the direction after work before cutting it out, and went to bed.

The next day I came home and went straight to cutting. Totally forgot to changed the direction, completely sewed it up and when I turned it right sides out to try it on for a fitting I then noticed that the print was the wrong way *slapping forehead* It was nothing that I could do at that time didn't have enough material to redo. Many thoughts ran though my head, should I give it away to a friend, place it in the Cots (woman's shelter) Bag or trash it. I never considered not posting it because after all it would count towards the challenge. I love the fit and really wanted something to wear with the 50 cent pants I thrifted a few weeks ago, so I did one final press and decided I would wear it anyway.

Got out the car at work and one of the interns (that also sews all of her cloths) praised me on how beautiful my top was and she really loved the print. I mentioned that it was a goof up and she looked surprised and said she didn't notice. I received compliment after compliment all day long and the more compliments I got the more I fell in love with it. I sent a picture to the lady who thought me a lot about sewing and her reply was that it was lovely and very slimming. My boyfriend laughed at me when I told him that it was an accident and informed me that I am to much of a perfectionist and it looked nice. I cant wait for a few weeks to pass so I can slip this puppy back on.

Burda 7866

Fabric Used: A red and white chevron print from Joanns Fabric Red Tag Table $5 a yard I got 2 Yards

Pattern Sizing: I cut on the 18

 Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done?  Yes other than leaving off the belt

Were the instructions easy to follow? I did read the instructions but didn't follow then.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I liked how easy it was

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: None

Would you sew it again? Yes Yes Yes!!!

Tomorrows Goal: Not sure

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