Friday, May 31, 2013

Prep June 2013 Sewing Challenge

A few month back I decided that I would sew my summer wardrobe and I have been very slow at getting started. I joined a 30 sewing challenge (sew everyday in June).

Ding Ding Ding....This is the push I need to get started. I HOPE

I thought how about I do something with my blog (that I started years ago) to keep me accountable??? So I changed my profile picture and started prepping my sewing area. I was thinking the first post should be one of the easiest things I have made.

I made this cardigan using a YouTube video I tweaked it a little and came up with this. I purchased the fabric from Hancock fabric in 2006 or so I believe and have been hording it in my stash.


DIY Cardigan / Belt Thrifted / DIY bracelet / Pearls????? Maybe my mom / Target jeans  (I think) / Shoe Booties from a local boutique 

Notice how long this one is compared to the
Brown Cardigan
DIY Cardigan / DIY OBI Belt / Jeans Levi / Purse T.J. Maxx / Boots Target, Jewelry Lia Sophia

As you can see I'm in love with the cardigan, it's an easy way to quickly get an item off the machine and on to the next one. I picked up this very difficult to sew fabric from a local fabric store with this cardigan in mind. It cost me $4 a yard and I used 1 1/2 yards. This was a work (Friday) outfit. Opps I forgot we can't wear jeans :)

Well good people I'm off to get some rest to prepare for the the first day of my challenge. I'm secretly afraid of not completing this, so I have prepped a few items in hopes that will keep my mojo up throughout the month.


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